The Tangerine Darter may be a nongame species, but it’s one beauty of a fish! Nicknamed the River Slick, this perch makes its habitat in the streams of the Appalachian Mountains. Averaging 5 inches, these small orange gilled darters are true to their name, darting to and fro while eating aquatic insects from vegetation. This can cause an angler with a small hook to catch one on his line. But this Cotton Canvas Tote Bag should be the only Darter you try and catch! Government protection makes wanting to hook one unwarranted! Follow the old adage: look but don’t touch!
Gill McFinns is the best way to show your love for fisherman anywhere and anytime. If he spends his time catching fish left and right, this Cotton Canvas Tote Bag is perfect for them!
Key Features:
Cotton/Canvas Tote Bag