Warlord Walleye Zipper Hoodie
Speckled Psychofish Zipper Hoodie
Saw-Toothed Sailfish Zipper Hoodie
Sargassan Fat-Lipped Zipper Hoodie
Red-Whiskered Catfish Zipper Hoodie
Fathom Lurker Zipper Hoodie
Stylish and Funny Fishing Zipper Hoodies
Who says it is too cold to fish? Not us! At Gill McFinn's, our motto is: if it's too cold to fish, you're a pu-- well, you get the idea! Anyway, our funny fishing hoodies are perfect for the amazing ice fishing that you can do this year. It was while ice fishing in the frozen tundra of Siberia that Jack "Attaway" Corrigan caught the Warlord Walleye. Don't be afraid to get on the ice during the colder seasons, because sometimes you can have the best fishing of your life. Just make sure you have the proper fishing gear and one of our funny fishing hoodies to keep you warm. You are only as good as your willpower, and if you let a little thing like cold weather stop you from fishing, you will never become a great angler! Get our funny hoodies and cast into the most frigid of waters, because you just may hook into something huge!